Happy Today!

Friday, April 25, 2008


*sigh* ACTM is tomorrow...I don't know why I'm going. I'm gonna lose. End of Course was depressingly easy. Oh dear. What's the world coming to these days?

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Benchmark tommorow...i think the benchamrk should be proud that it is depressing enough to have a place in my blog. I think it should see this as a great honor, and that it should willingly embrace the fact that it's existence is to make the lives of children who take it very depressing, and aid in the adults plan of turning lively, youthful children into boring adults.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I've learned from my past mistake--never use green as the font color!

Now, I don't have much to say. Oh! I do. When you play twenty questions. You should ask the questions like thus:

Are there more than five letters in the word?
Does the first letter begin w/ a letter from the front half of the alphebet...etc.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Uncooperative Chess Experts Part II

You've already heard about the fact that I'm doing my ISS on chess and that Mr. Petrone is my expert. Well, today I interviewed him. This is as close as I could get to our specific conversation:
Ok, how old were you when you started playing?
What got you into chess?
Can you elaborate?
Happy mems? About chess?
All of them. Chess is a happy game.
Depressing mems?
None. They're all happy.
Got any reccommendations for beginners?
Yes. Play a lot.
With...what type of people? Who?
Got any favorite strategies?
Are you an offensive player or defensive?
Does Mrs. Weishaar know the Ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything?

New Poster!

Ah, you've probably noticed the fact that there's a new poster. If you didn't, I'm telling you now, I've got new poster. Deal with it. She's my best human friend, so she has a perfect right to post about the situations in her life that she feels a great desire to post.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

So...does anyone even read these blogs?

There are so many blogs out in the wide, wide world? Who takes time to explore 'em and read 'em all? I don't...and I really have nothing to say so ta-ta.

Uncooperative Chess Experts

Ok, I've finally (and reluctantly) decided that Mr. Petrone is my expert for the ISS (Independant Studies With Seward. Get it? Hehe.). Unfortunately, he is not very cooperative. He refused to do an online interview, although that way he doesn't have to say anything and I don't have to prepare an interview for him, plus now I have to stay for a few minutes after school just because he's uncooperative. Isn't the interviewer supposed to call the shots? *sigh*


Alrighty, there wasn't school Friday, and that was pretty awesome...But I had CAP conferences the day before, and there was a bunch of paperwork, so that was kinda depressing. However, I got my report card back, and I got 100 in every encore, and 97 in everything else except language, where I got a 95. That's not bad, especially since I usually don't get higher than 94 in Algebra, but Mrs. Allain gave me an 'S' in science. I have 'E's in everything else, but I guess I talk too much so she gave me an 'S'. I don't think my dad noticed though. He was too busy sulking at the fact that my career test showed that I would be least sucessful in business and finance, and that's where you make all the money.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Funny Numbers

The numbers in this font look funny! Haha. 1234567890.

Freaky Dream

I had a freaky dream a while back. This is what happened:
I was walking down to my bus stop, and I saw a body in the grass. I walked up to see if he was still alive. He wasn't moving. Suddenly, without moving, he says in a low voic, "I suggest you call the police." I didn't move. Then he got out a gun and pointed it at me, so I ran into the rent office and called the police. I waited in the office for a while cuz i was scared, and waited. Then, I went out again, and there were 3 dead policemen in front of the freaky dude, and the freaky dude was in the same position, but somehow i knew he was still alive. Then, the bus came, and I went to school. i had keyboarding 1st period that day, so I went to keyboarding. Somehow, Kyle M. was in my class (he normally isn't) and I knew somehow that he was out to get me and that he was with that freaky dude. So, I sat in keyboarding the entire class cuz either he was telepathecally threatening me not to type or i knew that i shouldn't type (I'm serious, it was definetely one of the 2). Then, later, I went up to Tech Time cuz ya know, I didn't do anything in class, and that's when I woke up and realized it was 6:43 and I'm usually out the door 6:44 and I had to rush, but I made it out the door at 6:45, but the bus didn't come 'til 7:00, so I rushed for nothing. I'm serious, I had that dream. But I always have funny dreams, for example last summer the day before I went to horse camp I dreamt that all the kids in my 6th grade homeroom were at horse camp square dancing, and that list includes Brittany H. and Logan B. and Heath M. and them.


You will discover that there is a poll at the bottom of the page! That's for you to vote. Obviously, if you don't know who Mrs. Weishaar is, don't pick that. Actually, Mrs. Weishaar is my Algebra teacher. Someone told me that she knows the ultimate answer.


Buttons are so awesome! Not like buttons on your clothes: buttons that you push, like on an elevator. It annoys people so much when you push all the elevator buttons and make it light up. I like making patterns with them. Anyway, back to buttons. I love how when you push a button, it goes down, and then when you loosen up, it goes up. That's so cool! Especially when it makes a sound.

GT Today

Cool, it sounds like a newspaper article. Today, I made a big box, a little box who's volume is literally 8 times smaller (I figured it out mathematically), and I got a marble from Josh. So, I put the marble inside the small box inside the big box. It rattles!! I find such simple pleasures in life. Also, Sarah W. TRIED (emphasis on TRIED) to teach me how to solve a rubix cube and Ann promised to give me her rubix cube. I also beat Brittany at chess! I was using a strategie while I didn't know I was using a strategie! Huh. That word strategie looks kinda funny...


I beat Minesweeper on expert in 276 seconds!!!! I can prove it too, if my dad would let me borrow his laptop...