Happy Today!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


"Why" is the question they just don't want you to ask. Just ask any of the Arians. On second thought, don't. Because they're LYING to you.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm going on about, please refer to Jon Stewart's interpretation of "conservative libertarian". But that's not what I wanted to talk about today. As I am typing this post, I still have no idea what I plan on talking about. Why? Well, if I knew, I would be talking about it, not rambling about why I'm not talking about it. But that's beside the point. I must find a good topic to discuss before I end up spending this entire post talking about my lack of one. You wouldn't enjoy that would you?
Normally, I would have something to say on something I feel particularly strongly about. I'm a very opinionated person, if you were not formerly aware of this. It's a rare event when I don't have something to rant about.
But I'll tell you now, I don't like it. Right now, I have this uneasy feeling like something's amiss because I don't have an opinion to convince you of. It's a sad moment when one is at loss for an opinion.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Do you know what love is, what it's like, or how much it sucks? Music thinks it does. Today's popular music tends to revolve around love and the lack of it. I am willing to bet money that one of the most commonly used words in song lyrics (excluding articles and conjunctions) would have to be love. But there's a point where love gets over-defined. Seriously, can't you think of other things to write about? There are plenty of deep and poetic topics that would make great songs. WRITE ABOUT THEM. One of my favorite artists by the name of Relient K has made my favorites list because of their originality. Some of the things they've written about: vinyl, horses, planes, God, music itself. Excellent choices.
Then of course, we cannot deny the awesomeness of classical music or instrumentals. In a way, that's the best kind of music, because it's open for interpretation by everyone. Oh yes, contemporary music often may have double meanings--or, get this--TRIPLE meanings. But classical music...it's whatever you want it to be. If you're some shallow swoony chick, perhaps you LIKE to interpret everything as a reference to love. If that's the case, go ahead. But I'm gonna go ahead a say that this song is about the phases of life. See what I mean? Classical music is timeless. Who can deny the serenity in Grieg, or lovely simplicity of Rachmaninoff? Ahhh, and who can forget Wagner? You can't say any of these composers are out-of-date, because what do you have to base the time range of it? That's it: NOTHING! Want a song about love? PICK ONE. Any one. It's all in your head: interpret it as love if you want. Want a song about war? Listen to that same song. I'm sure you can pick some war related theme from it. Pick a subject, any subject. Just TRY to pick one that doesn't fit a classical song. I DARE YOU.