Happy Today!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Question to my Classmates Who Read this Blog

Who sits by Brittany? I got a comment from someone on the last post and they claim to be someone who sits by Brittany. Is this a real person I know, or is it some stalker? I hope I'm not being stalked. If that's the case, I have a note to the stalker:
Please don't hurt me! I didn't do it! I'm not rich, don't take me for ransom! I'm just a poor, humble student who has nothing better to do than go to school and make up blogs. If you get any closer, I'm telling Faithe's dad, who's a cop. Hah! I got you now!! OH!
That should do it. But still, if someone does know who sits by Brittany, please let me know. I don't wanna get kidnapped! I wanna live a good long life, retire comfortably, and have enough money to pay my friend's jail bail.