Happy Today!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I'm trying to figure out where my mind palace should be...obviously, the place I know best would be my own house, or possibly the school, but I would really like to have a place far more grand than that...
Perhaps I should use Hogwarts, I do know that place very well from my countless re-readings of the series, but that makes me feel like a copycat (even though it's a good fit). Considering I probably wouldn't be going there very much until school, I actually do have quite a bit of time to familiarize myself with a very grand place...I'm thinking Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace. I'm edging towards Buckingham palace.
Courtesy of Helen at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Related to: Random, Wide world
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Not too original of a post, considering it's summer, but seriously, it is absolutely SWELTERING outside.
And people wonder why I don't go out more...Well, it's because it's BLISTERING.
There is no reason that anyone should enjoy being outside when it is so incredibly SCORCHING, the best place to be in such a situation is a soft couch in front of the fan and above an air conditioning vent, like the one I have been resolutely boring a hole in all summer.
So, my recommendation in this stuffy, feverish, blazing, burning of a day like this one is to stay inside, and sit as still as possible....to not cause yourself any unnecessary sweating. Good luck.
Courtesy of Helen at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Related to: Rants
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Common Misconceptions.
One common misconception about the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair is that it is a disgusting book.
You expect it to be filled page after page with verbose and colorful descriptions of what diseased meat looks like, along with everything thing that went into it in the early 20th century.
That is not so!
In fact, far from being a gory, matter-of-fact ramble on sanitation, it is one of THE most depressing books I have ever read.
When you are reading this book, you want to curl up and die just so you can stop reading about how all the other characters curl up and die. NOTHING good happens, everything is a curse in disguise, until the very end, which isn't even the original ending! Sinclair ended up changing it to the hopeful push for socialism we read today from an even MORE depressing ending, because it was too depressing.
Courtesy of Helen at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Related to: Interesting Things You Should Know