Happy Today!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


     We've all heard it before, those dreaded words in elementary school. "Be creative." "Use your imagination." I absolutely hated it when teachers say that, for I feel like I haven't a creative bone in my body. I preferred having them tell me what to draw for that big art thing, and what to make for that big science project, instead of being set loose in the middle of the ocean with some wires, some plastic, an engine, and a saw and being told to make an airplane. That's why today, I want to investigate these horrid words, and see if maybe there is some truth behind them, despite having the word "creative" pretty much ruining my early years of school.
     I believe the teachers do deserve some merit for making us exercise the art of thinking beyond our tight little self-induced cages. Why? Because that's one of many things that set us humans apart from animals. We create, and we build, and we utilize. Animals are very limited in their musings, and some more intelligent ones can maybe utilize, but only we can truly create. Somebody created this computer that I'm typing on right now, and somebody created this couch I'm sitting on. Somebody was shunned for saying the earth was probably not in the center of the universe. Why?
     I believe this may be because we have time to sit down and think. Most animals spend much of their time looking for food and just surviving and little to none on contemplating the universe. So one of the first problems that we used our wrinkly little brains to do is take care of the bare necessities. Instead of running around looking for food, we started growing it ourselves. Because we're lazy. Instead of sleeping under a rock or building a dam, we found some nice little pre-made homes in caves. Because we're lazy. So laziness makes us think of ways to satisfy that need to do less work.
      I didn't really know where I was going with this post. But I think I just proved that laziness can be a good thing. Chew on that, everyone.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rain. The Buckety Kind

The sky is angry. Black and rumbling, what else could it be? if weather had emotion, it would be angry right now. I believe the earth is very capable of taking care of itself despite us pumping poisons into its air, but the only problem is, does it have us human in its recovery plan? I don't like to go all hippie, "let's-save-the-world" on anyone, but you can't expect a powerful entity like nature not to fight back when we make it angry. The movie "The Happening" is one of the best examples of this. It wasn't a bio terrorist attack, it was the plants. Perhaps is won't be as drastic or dramatic as that. Or perhaps it'll be far more dramatic. But slow or quick, I believe our biggest threat is not Iran's nukes or Korea, I think it's the plants. And their mother.