I was fuming to myself one day about my awesome rant that I had forgotten that time, and suddenly I got an epiphany of simply ranting about something that has nothing to do with anything. So, I will rant about my imaginery elephant that I wrote about in English. His name is Flowers, after Flowers for Algernon. That's a great book, by the way. Algernon is my favorite character, because he's a mouse. Or a rat. One of those things. Charlie is ok, too, but I didn't like his ending. He's just too naive and innocent.
Naivete is a horrible and dangerous thing. I'm also missing an accent on top of that 'i', the 2 little dots. I think the word is French, but I'm only learning French 1 so naturally we haven't gotten that far. I didn't join French club, even though they mentioned we were going to make good French food. I wanted to join Model UN, but it costs $18 to join!! Last year we didn't pay anythign at all. Plus there's a 2 dollar signup fee. I mean, Model UN was fun, but not $20 fun. Maybe next year. I did however, join volunteer initiative. There was one club that made really good cookies, it was 2 for 25 cents. There was a Christian club too, called First Priority. I joined that too.
Happy Today!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Patterns will own your mousepad.
Courtesy of Merle at 11:40 AM 1 comments
Related to: One of my life stories
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I'm sure many of you have been looking forward for my next rant on the next horribly inaccurate quote that people have taken such liking to despite the fact that it's complete blasphemy and should never have been considered a word of wisdom. I had the perfect quote too, it was amazingly ridiculous but I have to admit, it can be easily believed without proper thought and consideration. I had developed an entire speech about it. It was very good. But guess what: (I also just realized that I probably spelled 'forgetfulness' wrong in the title. Just a random thing I noticed as I was typing) I forgot it!!! It was beautiful, it seemed like the purpose for it's exisistence was for me to rant about it. I had it's faults listed in points perfectly in my head, all I had to do was write it down. But of course, it had to disappear the momment I considered that, otherwise you'd be reading a brilliant article worthy of the New York Times about why that speech sucks, and instead you're reading a long rant about why you're not reading that instead, and you're noticing the amount of run-on sentences in it as well. Oh well, it's partly you're fault for trusting me so much. Peace.
Courtesy of Merle at 4:35 PM 0 comments
Related to: One of my life stories
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Good Die First
Here is a statistically inaccurate, opinionated, and stereotypical statement. Firstly, we have to consider what is the definition of "good" in this quote. How do you judge a person to whether they are "good" or "bad", since we all do bad things and think bad thoughts at some/many points in time? Is a "good" person one who has done more "good" deeds, that is to say, one who has helped others more, or resisted more temptation? If so, where do you draw the line between "good" and "bad"?
Now, statiscally, who actually counted the order in which good and bad people died? I want to see a pie chart or a line graph or soemthing, please.
The stereotype is in the worldview idea that because bad people are tougher, stronger, and sometimes smarter than good people. But how often is true? Because the smartest bad guys aren't the flashy ones like the Joker in Batman. Their the ones who's crimes can't be discovered. The very fact that we know what our biggest criminals look like and what they've done shows that our biggest crimminals aren't as great as they seem, they can just hide really well. However, considering the size of this world, there's plenty of places to hide. The other stereotype is that good people are naive and softhearted, and therefore they'd die first easy. But let's also consider what God has in store for those who believe in His son's sacrifice, those who are also often considered 'goody-goodies'. Let's also consider what will happen to those who don't. So who's really dying?
Courtesy of Merle at 1:53 PM 0 comments
Related to: Food for Thought, Rants