Ok, it's been a long time since I added something to do before you die. So, I added 4 more today. If interested, scroll to the almost-bottom of the page and take a look.
NOTE: some of these are rather life-threatening and you may want to make sure you finish the non-lifethreatening or jailputting ones before you risk those.
Happy Today!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New things to do before you die.
Courtesy of Merle at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Ok, I found out that anonymus does NOT like breakfast, although I think he/she/it is lying because he/she/it had asked Ming2 whether she had eaten it already out of the pure goodness of his/her/it's heart, instead of asking about some other meal of the day. Frankly I like the dessert part best. As they say, "Life is short", eat dessert first. So, I reccommend all those breakfast lovers out there to convert to dessert lovers. I also reccomment all those atheists, Buddhists, Hinduists, Muslims, and the other "-ists" of some other religion that's not Christianity to conver to Christianity because the solemn truth of it is that God rocks. More than any other of those other fake gods that the wandering hearts and worldly views support.
End Preaching here.
Also, on a less "preachy" note, we got a new fire extinguisher in our apartment building!!! Or at least a new case. Not sure why. The case is white and the cover thingy is red. It's also plasticy...which makes me think that in the event of a fire it would melt. Well, that's better than having to break it yourself...it's very convenient, but unfortunuately since it's plastic it doesn't have one of the "in case of fire, break glass" signs on it, which sucks cuz I really wanted to break that glass...
Courtesy of Merle at 1:21 PM 1 comments
Related to: Random
Monday, June 23, 2008
Oh dear...
*sigh* looks like I got a new stalker...his/her name is anonymus. If anyone knows the whereabouts or identity of this new stalker, please call your local stalker agency immediately. Don't panic, this is a nice stalker. Distinguishing features: excessive use of text-talk, comments on my blog, has a certain fondness for breakfast.
Courtesy of Merle at 5:35 PM 2 comments
A Pology
I would like to put a formal pology for revealing Squared's area of residence in the previous post. Actually, she does not live in the city I mentioned in the previous post. In fact, she lives in...um... PARIS, FRANCE, EUROPE, EARTH, SOLAR SYSTEM, MILKY WAY, UNIVERSE, GOD'S ENTIRE KINGDOM. And her name is...uh...Crystal Smith. Also, didn't i mention you're awesome cuz your square? It's not an insult. And Squared II only refers to my second time in refering to you in my post, it's like part 2 of the Squared anthology. Also, I think the conversation between black wave and anonymus was highly entertaining...but did you eat your breakfast today squared? *concerning look from a caring friend*.
Courtesy of Merle at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Related to: Wide world
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Squared II
I'm guessing whoever asked about who the person in the previous post is does not go to my church or you would know about out little inside joke. "Squared" is our nickname for Ming Ming. Since you don't go to our church, you probably don't know her, since she lives in Bentonville. Any, Squared in special. See, everyone else is sphererical, but she's so awesome she's square.
Courtesy of Merle at 8:13 PM 18 comments
Related to: Wide world
Sunday, June 15, 2008
SQUARED!!!! I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!!!! Helen Z. told me. See, she's nice. How's China? Maybe you'll see Emily there. Or Helen Z. Cuz she's going too. YOu need to add more to your blog. Spice it up a little. Hey, why'd you have to keep your identity from me for so long? Making me think you're a stalker and all? By the way, you're really bad at this whole stalking thing. You need my help. See, you acted the way you usually act when you commented on my posts. That led me to believe it was you. That and the fact that you let it slip to Helen Z. *sigh* so many flaws in an otherwise masterful stalking. (the flaws make it not so masterful).
Courtesy of Merle at 4:43 PM 2 comments
Related to: Wide world
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
What IS an Emirp?
Well, I just thought I'd clear something up today. Emirps are my favorite numbers! They rock. Actually, the word rocks. Anyway, an emirp is a number that's prime backwards and forwards, like 187, which is prime, and 781 is prime too, making it an emirp. That's fun to say. Emirp.
Courtesy of Merle at 1:20 PM 3 comments
Related to: Random
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Last Week
Well, this is kinda about last week, but we had the AWESOMEST WEEK OF CHOIR EVER! Tue. and Wed. we played Guitar Hero II. Sarah W.'s GOOD. Thur. and Fri. we watched Ratatouilled, which we were supposed to finish Mon., but noooo it had to be democratic, and the rest of the class wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution, which was kinda stupid cuz the songs were really short, and no one except Sarah W. tried to do better than "light".
Courtesy of Merle at 9:01 PM 2 comments
Related to: '07-'08 school excitements
Poll Results
Ok, the poll's been outta biz for a while, but here's the results:
The question was whether YOU, yes YOU, think if a tree falls it makes a sound or not.
1 brave person decided yes, it does, cuz it's a tree.
No brave people decided no, no one heard it, so how do you know it made a sound?
4 not so brave people said that if a monkey howls and no one's there to hear it, is it still a monkey? which a QUESTION people!
Another brave person says it depends on where it lands, which make sense cuz if it lands on water it would go SPLASH! instead of CRASH!
And one person under consideration for braveness said that their brain can't handle the capacity of such a complex question. They're under consideration because I can't tell if they picked that out of braveness or stupidity. Although that mighta been my vote...
Courtesy of Merle at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Related to: Poll Results
Wow, Long Time, No Post
It's been a while! I just didn't feel like there was anything important enough to mention. However, in the Award Ceremony today, I got all the nerd awards. :( I got the Presidents Excellent Learning Stuff Award...or something like that...the Duke TIP-er award, the Congrats-at getting-3rd-place-in-the-ACTM-state-competition Award, the Congrats-on-getting-3rd-place-in-the-school-spelling-bee-award, all the subject exellence awards for my pod, the -participation-in-class award, the teachers-think-you-have-great-things-to-say award, the great-writer award, the the spelling bee award. All the nerd awards. *sigh*.
On a happier note, school's almost over. We have 7th grade celebration tomorrow, and we're playing kickball 1st thing. We only have 16 people in our homeroom, and we're going against Mr. Rhodes's class first, so we're gonna get creamed.
On a not-so-happy note, Sarah W. is moving, Jenny R. is moving, Marisa G. is moving, I'm not going to Woodland, about 3 of my friends are going to Ramay, my summer's gonna be boring, Ming Ming doesn't go to our church much anymore, and many other bad things are happening in Fayetteville. Ya know, Fayetteville's like a train station. People living here have generally moved from somewhere else and/or is moving away. They never stay too long. Or they might miss their train.
Also, anyone know who "Black Wave" is? He/she is another blogger, and he/she commented on my blog, and i have no idea who he/she is. Now here's a REAL stalker.
Courtesy of Merle at 7:42 PM 4 comments
Related to: Random